Saturday, April 26, 2008


Unknown said...

OMG! What is that? It looks so cool! So either you are assimilating into local culture, or you have some strange fingertip plague...... :) I want to hear more! :)

Alexis said...

we did henna last night, and here they like to do fingers more than arms and such. the PCV we were staying with did this for me, isn't it cool?

Unknown said...

girl, that is totally cool! It's very powerful. and you are totally online right now and so am I! Do you have any kind of chat software? Skype? (I am lina24733 on skype) or you can log onto your gmail and I think we can chat there?

Unknown said...

or we can use the chat on facebook, altho I've never done that one before... I miss you and I'm so proud and impressed by you! :)